December 2016 Calendar

By Ruby Tanner
Family-oriented and “affordable” Idaho events get a free line in our calendar, and each month we choose several to highlight. Here’s how to submit:
Deadline: The first of each month.
Lead time: Two issues.
Next deadline: November 1 for the January issue.
Send details to: [email protected]
11/30-12/3 Christmas Tree Fantasy: Enjoy decorated trees and wreaths, enjoy the Fantasy Tea, bid on trees, and more; 1:00-2:00, Eastern Idaho State Fairgrounds, Blackfoot
1 Science After Hours: Explore the wonderful world of science with an open mind in a casual atmosphere; free; sponsored by Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute; 7:00PM-8:30PM, downtown Moscow
1 Christmas Bazaar, 9:00-3:00, Meridian City Hall, Meridian
1 Youth Symphony Winter Concert: 7:30-9:00PM, Idaho Falls
1 “Light Up The Night” Holiday Parade: 7:00-9:00PM, Friendship Square, Moscow
1,2,3 Movie “Sully”: The story of Chesley Sullenberger, who became a hero after gliding his plane along the water in the Hudson River, saving all of his 155 passengers; Free ISU Students, $2 Faculty/Staff, $3 Public; Bengal Theater ISU Campus, Pocatello
1,8 Riverstone Concerts: Enjoy free professional concerts from a variety of genres; High quality audio sound provided by Two Reeds; 6:00-8:00PM, Riverstone Park, Coeur d’Alene
1-3 Festival of Trees, Sandpoint
1-23 Winter Garden Aglow: 6:00-9:00 PM, Idaho Botanical Garden, Boise
1-29 TNT Thursdays: THURSDAYS; Youth program for ages 10 and up; 4:00-5:00PM, Public Library, Hailey
1-31 Gingerbread House Walking Tour, Lava Hot Springs
1-31 Avalanche Awareness Classes: FREE; for information and registration go to the Web site ( for specific dates, times, and locations; Statewide
2 Stuff The Bus: Locally Owned Radio presents “Stuff The Bus” at King’s Discount Store in Hailey. Donate new, unwrapped toys and non-perishable food items to those in need this Christmas. At the end of the event, the donations will be distributed to needy families during the holiday season, 3:00-6:00PM, Hailey
2 Inner-Tube Water Polo: Come hop in our inner-tubes for a fun game of inner-tube water polo; ages 8-14; Children must be able to pass the swim test before participating; free with Rec Center admission fee, Rec Center, Nampa
2 Chamber of Commerce Christmas Light Parade, Kamiah
2 Sportsman’s Association Wild Game Banquet and Auction: 4:00PM, Priest Lake
2-4 Dad’s Weekend, University of Idaho, Moscow
2-3 American Legion Craft Show: Boundary County Fair grounds, Bonners Ferry
2-3 Annual Bird Seed Sale: Stock up on birdseed, buy holiday gifts, see and learn about live raptors, and participate in children’s crafts and activities; a fun, festive event for the whole family; MK Nature Center, Boise
2-3 “All I Want For Christmas” Expo: Kingston Plaza, Idaho Falls
2-3,9-10 Yuletide Festival, Wallace
2-4 Christmas Show: Expo Idaho, Garden City
2-4 Dad’s weekend, University of Idaho, Moscow
2-30 Comedy Project: FRIDAYS, 8:00PM, MP Dance Studios, Pocatello
2-30 Friday Game Zone: FRIDAYS; For kids ages 8-17 4:00-6:00PM, Public Library, Moscow
3 Nez Perce National Historical Park Bead Bazaar, Lapwai
3 Free Admission Day, Museum Of Eastern Idaho: 10:00AM-5:00PM, Idaho Falls
3 “Christmas Around the World”: A variety of Christmas themed crafts, games and treats, plus a photo op with Santa, and cookies for all; Wood and Little Wood River Rooms, ISU Campus, Pocatello
3 Western Idaho Scholastic Chess League Tournament: Schools compete for Team Trophies & Individual Awards: Grades K-12: Elementary, Teen, & Individual Divisions, 3 Rounds – $7 advanced registration, $10 at the door: Check-in starts at 8:30 am; First Round begins at 9:00 am; Lowell Scott Middle School, Boise
3 Parade, Tree lighting, Santa visit; Glenns Ferry
3 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8:00AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): DR. Karl Prassack, Hagerman Fossil Beds N.M.; The O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
3 Festival of Trees, Grangeville
3 Georgia Wallace Holiday Bazaar: Fundraiser for a local family, for a toy drive, and Toys for Tots; 9:00-4:00PM, Elks Club, Boise
3 Christmas Kickoff: A day of fun activities like singing, food, bazaars, drawings, horse-drawn rides, a live Nativity, and much, much more; American Falls
3 Community Christmas Tree Lighting, Lapwai
3 Santa Claws Fun Run: The Santa Claws Fun Run is a great event for the whole family, including a visit from Santa at the event base, then load up on Christmas “Swag” at the five swag stations distributed along 5K course; the run benefits the Master of Science in Athletic Training Program at ISU University ( HYPERLINK mailto:[email protected]),[email protected]), Pocatello
3 Community Christmas Tree Lighting, Riggins
3 Lights Parade and Tree Lighting Ceremony: 5:00PM, Hayden
3 Christmas Bazaar: 10AM – 4PM, Owyhee County Museum, Murphy
3 12 Ks of Christmas: A festive run with Christmas music at every K; cost–a donation; proceeds benefit high school music programs in C d’A; North Idaho College, Coeur d’Alene
3 Holiday Celebration, 8:00AM-9:00PM, Idaho City
3 Treasure Valley Night Light Parade, 6:00PM, Caldwell
3 Kiddie Jingle Parade & Tree Lighting, Kooskia
3 Christmas Craft Bazaar: Handmade Christmas items; 9:00AM, Silvercrest Estates, 1907 West Flamingo Ave, Nampa
3-24 Santa’s Workshop: SATURDAYS, 12:00-4:00PM; Santa Claus is coming to town, Rexburg
4-18 Sunday Market: SUNDAYS; Enjoy a variety of local crafters, artists, delicious food, produce and live music; Come out and support the northwest artisans; 1-3PM, Garden Plaza, Post Falls
5-26 Souper Supper: MONDAYS; hot meal served for free; open to all; 5:30-6:30PM, St Charles Church, Hailey
5,19 Reading at the Refuge: Preschoolers (and their parents!) are invited to listen to wildlife-related stories and do a related craft activity; at 10 AM and at 2 PM, Deer Flat NWR, Visitors Center, Upper Dam, Lake Lowell, Nampa
6 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: Held on the first Tuesday of every month for coffee and conversation at the Warhawk Air Museum, this event is FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; 10:00 AM-12:00 noon; Nampa
6 Christmas Bazaar: Visit a variety of local vendors, artists and crafters; meander through the halls & enjoy live Christmas music; 11:00AM-2:00PM, Garden Plaza, Post Falls
7 First Wednesday: All day; Musicians, artists, merchants, business owners, non-profit groups, crafters, youth groups and more benefit from a community event like this; Emmett
7-28 Pre-School Story Hour: WEDNESDAYS; Stories with a guest reader, plus a snack; 10:00AM, Public Library, Salmon
7-28 Story Time: WEDNESDAYS; 10:30AM-12:30PM, Public Library, Hailey
8 Holiday Pops–THE SNOWMAN MOVIE: Civic Auditorium, Idaho Falls
8 Mini-Cassia C of C Christmas Party: 400-7:00PM, Heyburn
9 Community Day: A fund-raising benefit for Community Cancer Services (CSS) and Bonner Partners in Care Clinic; 100% of the ticket revenue raised will be donated to these two organization; if you don’t ski, you can still donate $10 to a great cause by purchasing a ticket online; Schweitzer Mountain Ski Area, Sandpoint
9 Family Game Night: A night of family friendly board games; Free to Students, $3 for Faculty/Staff, $5 per person & $10 for family or canned food item per person; Quad Lounge on the 2nd floor of the Pond Student Union Building, Idaho State University, Pocatello
10 Senior Cinnamon Roll Sale: 10:00AM-2:00PM, Senior Center, Salmon
10 Winter Market: 10:00-2:00, Moscow
10 Christmas Bazaar and Raffle Fundraiser: Live Music, FREE Santa photo with optional 5X7 printing on spot for $5 each, wide variety of Vendors, plus Raffle Fundraiser; this program helps families whose children are going through Shriners Hospital for medical procedures; a wonderful cause with no cost to families; 9-4pm, El Korah Shrine, 1118 West Idaho Street, Boise
10 “Joy to the World”, an ISU Christmas: Ring in the holidays with the Idaho State-Civic Symphony and ISU Choirs as they jubilantly perform various holiday favorites; Stephens Performing Arts Center, ISU campus, Pocatello
10 Santa’s Workshop: Come spend two hours making holiday crafts, playing games and decorating cookies—Santa will even be making an appearance; Advance registration is recommended (208-468-5777); Ages 3-12 ;12 noon-2pm, Member $4, Non-Member $5, Rec Center, Nampa
10,11 Cathedral Concert Series: “Contemporary Broadway Concert”; (information: [email protected]), Cathedral of the Rockies, Boise
10,17 Fall Farmers’ Market: Santa will be there; 10:00AM-2:00PM; Old Gym, Homedale
13 7th Annual Caldwell Night Rodeo “Christmas Party & Holiday Fundraiser: Join the CNR board of Directors and Miss Caldwell Night Rodeo for a festive and fun-filled evening; FREE ADMISSION; Everyone welcome; Proceeds will benefit Kid’s First Cast and Caldwell’s Shop with a Cop; 6:00-9:30PM, O’Connor Fieldhouse, Caldwell
14 Customer Appreciation Day: Free admission to the Hot Springs pool all day, Lava Hot Springs
14 Something Special – The Legacy of R.J. Baxter and the Ineffable Power of Radio: A multi-media presentation of live radio examining the evocative power of voice and recorded music; 7:30PM, CSI Fine Arts Auditorium, Twin Falls
15 “Children Performing for Children” Holiday Performance: Watch the talented Music Conservatory of Sandpoint Youth Orchestras and Choirs showcase their skills in a holiday performance; also performing will be the Lake Pend Oreille Alternative High School Choir; a cookie and cider reception will follow; donations are taken at the door, but no ticket purchase is required; 5 p.m., First Lutheran Church on Olive Street, Sandpoint
16,17 Christmas Lights Tour, Rec Center, Nampa
17 Breakfast with Santa: Santa and Mrs. Claus will be visiting with everyone throughout breakfast, spreading their Christmas cheer; Santa will also read a book during breakfast, and all participants will get to color a picture, and write a letter for Santa; after breakfast, each child will have the opportunity to sit on Santa’s lap and get a present from Santa; two separate seatings, the first beginning at 8:00AM and the second beginning at 9:30AM; 1912 Center, Moscow
17 Singing and Santa: Watershed Weekend, 10:00-1:00, Boise WaterShed Environmental Education Center, 11818 West Joplin Road, Boise
17 Annual Candy Cane Hunt: 12Noon-1:00PM, McConnell Mansion lawn, Moscow
17 VFW Community Breakfast, Rexburg
17 Procrastinator’s Dream Christmas Event: Goods, services, and fun things to buy, see, and do; free pictures with Santa and free live music; they’ll be collecting for Toys for Tots, too; 9:00AM-3:00PM, O’Connor Field House, Caldwell
17 Winterfest at Priest Lake: 2:00-4:00, Fun Winter Crafts; 4:00-5:00, Family Friendly Movie; 5:30-6:30 Moonlight Snowshoe Adventure (with or without snow we’re walking); FREE Hot Beverages, $1.00 Hotdogs, $1.00 Chili; Indian Creek State Park Headquarters, Priest Lake
18 “Amahl and the Night Visitors”: Performed by the Music Conservatory of Sandpoint’s, Young Classical Singers Troupe; Matinee at 2:00PM, Evening show at 5:00PM, First Lutheran Church on Olive Street, Sandpoint
19-23 Winter Break Drop In Program: Besides the Exhibit Hall, we’ll have fun at Around the World Christmas craft and activity stations; free; 10:00AM-12:00Noon; WaterShed Environmental Education Center, 11818 West Joplin Road, Boise
20 Mobile Food Pantry, 5:30-7:30PM, Rexburg
24 Christmas Eve Raptor Meals: Pick up tips on preparing the perfect holiday dinner for raptors, 10:00AM-2:00PM, World Center of Birds of Prey, (208)362.8687, Boise
24 Santa Baby Competition and Costume Party, Pomerelle Ski Area, Albion
26 Xmas Tree Collection: Recycle those decoration-free trees; 8:00AM-4:00PM, Moscow Recycling or Waste Transfer Station Compost, Moscow
27-31 Eagle Watch Week: Based at the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s Mineral Ridge boat launch and trail-head on Lake Coeur d’Alene; bring the family out for eagle viewing and taking advantage of display and spotting scopes set up by people who know a lot about eagles, Coeur d’Alene
31 New Year’s Eve Pow Wow, Lapwai
31 New Year’s Eve Potato Drop: 6:00PM-2:00AM, Downtown Boise
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