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Posted on by Juanita Bray / 1 Comment

Memories of World War II By Juanita Bray This story and “A Tyke in Wartime,” by John M. Larsen, also in this issue, are reminiscences of Idaho during World War II when these two authors, who married in

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Morning Walks

Posted on by Tom Lopez / 2 Comments

Up to Table Rock Story and Photos by Tom Lopez Darn, it’s cold,” I blurt but my wife Laurie ignores this statement of the obvious. She’s breaking trail a couple of yards ahead of me up the snow-covered

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What Windy Taught Us

Posted on by Deb Roman / Comments Off on What Windy Taught Us

Presence under Pressure By Deb Roman We hadn’t seen each other in many months, but when I entered her hospital room, her first words to me were, “How is Jess?” Jess is my daughter. As a little girl,

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Wicked or Not

Posted on by Janelle M. Scheffelmaier / Comments Off on Wicked or Not

History’s Ways and Means By Janelle M. Scheffelmaier My daughter turned thirteen the other day. I don’t think I’m ready to parent a teenager. But then again, is anyone? Few parts of parenting are easy. Of course, many

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Ironclad Cuisine

Posted on by Ken Neely / Comments Off on Ironclad Cuisine

Tradition Restored Story and Photos by Ken Neely “This is gonna take a while,” I mused after several minutes of scraping and chipping. I was working on a nasty buildup of carbonized food residue on a cast-iron muffin

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Our Muse

Posted on by Kevin McNeill / Comments Off on Our Muse

Inspiration for a Novel Kevin McNeill with David McNeill Photos Courtesy of Kevin McNeill It looks just like the high country around Alexandra.” That was how I described Idaho over the phone to my wife, Sheila, comparing it

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