October 2017 Calendar

By Ruby Tanner
In spite of our efforts to ascertain that events listed in our calendar are described accurately, cancellations or changes due to weather, illness of performers, and other such things, although rare, are bound to occur. Double checking with the event coordinators about locations, dates and times is always a good idea.
Details about many of the following events can be found at idahocalendar.com
TBA Harvest dinner, Community Church, Challis
TBA Wildhare Antique Sale & Vintage Flea Market: Antique dealers, artists and vendors, Pocatello
TBA Idaho Gourd Festival: sgourd artists, growers and vendors; admission: $2. Wyndham Garden Hotel, Boise
1 Snake River Comic Con: Any fan of comic books, super hero movies or Harry Potter will be excited to attend Comic Con. 8:00 AM, Red Lion Hotel, Pocatello
1 American Legion Post 143 Fall Arts and Craft Show; 9AM-3PM, Post Falls
1 Dare to Dance Square: The Hoodoo Valley Hoedowners invite you to try modern western square dancing, 6:00 PM at the Edgemere Grange, Priest River
1 Priest Lake Images Photo Hike; 10:00 A.M., Autumn’s Loft, Priest Lake
1-4 Schweitzer Fall Fest, Sandpoint
1-11 Art at the Co-Op: James Miley–Moscow Food Co-op, 121 E 5th St, Moscow
1-31 Anne Frank Memorial Tours: TUESDAYS, 12:15-1:00 p.m. Free docent-led tours of the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial. Hosted by the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights, Boise
1-31 Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch, face painting, tractor-wagon rides, concessions and play area, Swore Farms, Ballard Road, Pocatello
1-31 5K virtual run (or walk) to honor all fallen firefighters; Complete your race any time in October. You choose the course. Sponsored by National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Donating 15%, to honor fallen heroes, assist their survivors, & work to reduce fire deaths and injuries. Cost: $17, Coeur d’Alene
1-31 The Great Pumpkin Chase; 5K & 10K. $13-$27 Registration. Complete your race any time in October. 15% of each registration goes to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, Twin Falls
3 Reptile Revue: Learn about various snakes, lizards, other reptiles and their care needs are; the Herrett Center for Arts and Science, CSI Campus, Twin Falls
3 Dare to Dance Square – The first lesson is FREE–The Shirts N Skirts invite you to try western square dancing. 6 PM at Seltice Elementary School, Post Falls
3 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: 10 AM-12 PM at the Warhawk Air Museum; FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; Coffee and breakfast treats are served at no charge.; No RSVP required – just show up; Nampa
3 Project Linus: First Presbyterian Church, Pocatello
4 To Die For Chocolate Festival: Food and Music; Admission: $15 – $20, 5:30-8:30 PM, Senior Center, Kleiner Park, Meridian
4 Boise Birding Series–“Winter Ranges and Bird Conservation”: 9:00-10:00AM, Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, 3188 N Sunset Peak Rd., Boise
4 Home School Zoo: “Growing up at the Zoo”. For Kindergarten and First Grade. Classroom discussion, laboratory activities, animal encounters and specialized zoo tours. Each household must register their child for the class, (208) 493-2530. Fee $15. Kids only! Please bring a small snack for a 15 minute break during class. Minimum students 10, maximum 25. 9:00AM, Zoo Boise
4 Power County Hospital “Brake for Breakfast”: Annual Breast Cancer Awareness, 7:00AM-9:00PM, City Park, American Falls
4-5 Fall Career Fair: Hosted by the University of Idaho’s Career Services, the fair will feature corporations, federal and state agencies, graduate schools, and non-profit groups. The Career Fair is free for job seekers and open to the public. Memorial Gym, U of I Campus, Moscow
4-8 Trailing of the Sheep Festival: This annual migration is Idaho living history and a weekend long festival that highlights the people, arts, cultures, and traditions of sheep ranching in Idaho and the west, Hailey/Ketchum/Sun Valley
5 A Day With The Nomads: Three visitors from the High Himalayas will conduct a casual presentation of “life as a nomad”, filled with storytelling and sharing. Will include a demonstration of the unique task of how to ply rope: $20; 2-4 PM. Sawtooth Botanical Garden, Ketchum
5 Home School Day: A special day for home-schooled children. Topic and cost: Pre-K-K (Story Trail); 1st-3rd (Owls and Raptors); 4th and up (Bats and Moths). All are $3 per child. To register, call 208-608-7680. 10:00 AM, Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, 3188 N Sunset Peak Rd., Boise
6 Fall Idaho Job & Career Fair: FREE, 9 AM to 3 PM at the Riverside Hotel, Boise
6 For The Love Of Lamb: Enjoy one of the favorite culinary events of the Trailing of the Sheep Festival by experiencing the best in American Lamb bites. 4:30 PM- 6 PM; $5, Ketchum
6 Downtown Artwalk – 5 PM; Shopping, Attractions, Entertainment, Restaurants, Art, music, Lewiston
6-7 Oktoberfest Celebration: Costumed Fun Run (Walk/Bike)-5K/10K, Music, Food, Vendors, Duck Race, Raffle, Wagon Rides, Punkin’ Chunkin & More, Community Center, Lava Hot Springs
6-8 2017 Regional Art Show & Silent Auction: Sponsored by Salmon River Art Guild. Friday: Receiving and judging- 4 PM – 6 PM, reception-5:30 PM; Doors open & Critique- 6:30PM. Show open to public (free) Saturday 9 AM –5 PM and Sunday 9 AM – 3 PM; Community Center, Riggins
6-8 Fall for History Festival: A gala celebration of Wallace’s heritage and its designation as the only town in America entirely listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Wallace
6-11/10 Hunters & Hounders Show, Mad Dog Gallery, Challis
7 Museum Work Day: 8:00 AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your lunch): Steve Brittenham, “Meteorite Origins and Meteorite Anatomy”; O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
7 “Brake for Breakfast”: This event promotes breast cancer awareness. People drive through and receive free breakfast, a gift and educational information from a Susan G. Komen representative without leaving their cars. 7 AM.-9 AM., Minidoka Memorial Hospital Parking Lot, Heyburn
7 Mud Drag Races; 9 AM. Tickets are $7.00. Please bring your chair, sunscreen, and bug spray. Please no outside coolers. Dogs must be on leash. Weiser
7 Saturday Market–Heritage Park– 1 stage with Local talent. The music will be Variety. Eagle
7 Rockhounds Rock, Gem, and Mineral Sale; The Idaho Falls Gem and Mineral Society will be selling their unique jewelry; unusual rough and polished rocks, minerals, fossils; handcrafted artisan items; gemstones. Admission $3, children 12 and under free. 9:00-3:00 , Pinecrest Event Center, Idaho Falls
7 Clearwater Grange Annual Chili Feed, Clearwater
7 See Spot Walk: Idaho Humane Society Dog Walk, Boise
7 Soup & Song-Challis Arts Council Event, Challis
7 Grace Lutheran Church Craft Fair-10AM-3PM-Elementary School Gym, 1350 Baldy Ave., Pocatello
7 Fall Harvest Festival– 12 PM-6 PM; Idaho Botanical Garden; IBG members $5; Adults: $7; Youth: 5-12; $5; Under 4 Free, Boise
7 Oktoberfest: Food and live music. Activities for kids, face painting, bounce house and more. Harrison
7-8 Idaho Health & Fitness Fair; FREE; Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-4, Visit with doctors, dentists & health care professionals in fitness, nutrition, beauty. Get flu shot & select from multiple health screenings. Bring the entire family. Expo Idaho, Garden City
7-8 Boise Beauty Expo, Ultimate lifestyle event, featuring the needs & interests of women under one roof; Sat. 10 AM – 5 PM, Sun, 11 AM-4 PM; FREE; Expo Idaho, Garden City
7-28 Farmers Market, SATURDAYS, 9:00-1:00, Idaho Falls
7-28 Farmers Market; SATURDAYS, 9 AM-1:30 PM; SE Corner Hwy 95 & Prairie Ave., Hayden
7-28 Farmers Market, SATURDAYS, 8 AM-1 PM, Moscow
7-28 Long Camp Farmers Market, SATURDAYS, Kamiah/Kooskia
7 Handweavers Guild Meeting: First Congregational United of Christ, Boise
9-31 PANDA (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) Awareness Day 5K: Cost: $13-$27. 15% of every registration to PANDA Network. You choose the course. 8 AM-9AM; Twin Falls
10 Depot Open House–12-4 PM, Caldwell Train Depot; 701 Main Street, Caldwell
10 Come Crochet & Knit with Us; 1-4 PM., Ages 12 & up; Public Library, Nampa
11 Choral Concert, 7:30 PM. Langroise Recital Hall, College of Idaho; Admission is free to all, donations are greatly appreciated. Caldwell
12 “The Dynamiters: The Story of the Steunenberg Assassination”–Guest Speaker, Bob Sobba; 7 PM – 9 PM: TVCC Lecture Hall, Caldwell
12, 29 “Places and Faces of Idaho” Art Show, 10 AM. Christa’s Dress Shop; 202 Shoshone St . East, Twin Falls
12-14 Friends of the Marshall Public Library Used Book Sale: 9:00 AM, Pocatello
13 Art Walk–5-8 PM, stroll through beautiful Downtown Coeur d’Alene and enjoy local and nationally acclaimed artists. Visit supporting galleries, shops, restaurants and businesses. A free family-friendly event! Coeur d’Alene
13 Lock In for Kids: Children bring sleeping bag, swim suit, towel & clothes. Ages 6-12; Member-$20, Non-Member-$25.7 PM-9 AM, Rec Center Nampa
13-14 Harvest Fest Street Fair; Fri. 12-7 PM., Sat. 10 AM-5 PM; hay rides, pumpkin decorating, free kids’ games & activities, petting zoo, antique tractors, food booth, Emmett
14 Eagle Harvest Festival-Heritage Park, 10AM-2PM; art & craft, pumpkin decorating, face painting, cookie decorating, kids games, Eagle
14 Senior Faire–Nampa Civic Center–9 AM-3 PM., Nampa
14 Soda Screamer Thirteener: Half-marathon, 10K, 5K, and 1-mile kid’s run! Our 2017 Halloween-theme is Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Soda Springs
14 “Chocolate: Food of the Gods”; Speaker: Lauren Fins. Chocolate was used by early meso-Americans about 3,000 years ago. 6:30 PM; Library, American Falls
14-15 Old Galvi Warehouse Sale, 624 Church St., Sandpoint
14-15 Twin Falls Reptile Expo-County Fairgrounds, Filer
14-15 Gowen Thunder Air Show: Open House Air Show featuring U.S. Thunderbirds & Canadian Snowbirds: FREE; 8:30AM-4:30PM Gowen Field, Boise
14, 28 Summer Pop-Up Market: Lots of vendors. 9 AM-3 PM; Rescue Mission Thrift Store, 1215 12th Ave S., Nampa
14,20-21,27 Haunted History Walking Tours; Tours begin 6 PM., Old Town Pocatello
21 Guffey Bridge to Butte Day Hike: $10; Nampa
21 American Cancer Society “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer”: fundraiser for innovative breast cancer research. 8:30 AM. Run is $35/Walk is free. Donations encouraged. Food & activities. Kleiner Memorial Park, Meridian
21 Kids Discovery Expo: Learning through hands-on exhibits. Activities for ages 0-13 include: petting zoo, jump house, sports activities, face painting, bubble soccer and more. Admission $3.00. Kids 12 and under free. 9:00 AM.-3 PM. Expo Idaho, Garden City
21 Shelley Russet Chef’s Craft Fair: Fundraiser for the School Nutrition Association. Proceeds pay for training and transportation. Open to the public; 9 AM-4 PM, Riverview Elementary School, Shelley
21 Funtober Fest: This outdoor, carnival-style event will include face-painting, crafts, dancing, storytelling, a costume contest, games and more. Member $5, Non-Member $6. 1-4pm. Rec Center, Nampa
21-22 Treasure Valley Fall Flea Market: Sat. 9AM-5PM, Sun. 9AM-4PM, Expo Idaho, Garden City
21-22 What Women Want Expo; 10AM-8PM, Idaho Falls
21-22 Hells Canyon Gem Show: Exhibits of local collections, lapidary carving, crystals and precious gems, educational and fossils. Retail dealers of rough rock, cut stones, jewelry and equipment. Food. Kid’s Activities creating own masterpieces, wheel of stones. Demonstrations. Adults $3, Children under 12 free. Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-4, Nez Perce County Fair Building, Lewiston
22 Auction for the Rivers: An annual tradition in the Treasure Valley. Come bid on cool stuff while supporting the rivers you love. 4-8 PM; Barber Park Event Center, Boise
22 Pumpkin Carving at Riverfront Park, Kamiah
22 American Legion Breakfast, Challis
27-29 Gem Faire Boise 2017: Gem, jewelry & bead show at Expo Idaho, Garden City
27-29 Boise Fall Home Show-Fri. 5pm-9pm, Sat. 11am-9pm, Sun. 11am-5pm: Western Idaho Fairgrounds – Expo Idaho, Garden City
28 Zoo Boo Party-10 AM-3 PM; Wear Halloween costumes & come to see the zoo for Trick or Treat; costume contest, games, & crafts, Pocatello
28 Langroise Trio Concert, 7:30 PM. Langroise Recital Hall, College of Idaho; Admission is free to all on-campus choral concerts, though donations are greatly appreciated. Caldwell
28 Mini Cassia Craft Fair: Food & Arts & Crafts; 8AM to 4 PM, Minico High School, Rupert
28 Idaho State University Jazz Band: The band performs swing, Latin, fusion, and ballads. Two shows: 4 PM and 7:30 PM; The National Oregon/California Trail Center Montpelier
28 Trunk or Treat: Prizes for best decorated vehicles. Enter your carved pumpkin in the carving contest. Be on time and march in the costume parade before “Trick or Treating” starts. Rathdrum
28 Pumpkin Palooza -12-4 PM. downtown – games, crafts, costume contests, market, and special events such as the The Great Pumpkin Roll! Lewiston
29 Healthy Choices Harvest Festival: There will be pumpkin bowling, a fall craft show, a photo booth, carnival games, and a robot demonstration. Teen center will be selling concessions. Open to all ages. 1 to 4 p.m. at the ManiYAC Teen Center, Orofino
29-31 Cat Day 5K: Complete your 5K race/walk on your own (or with friends), submit your times! Cost is $18, and 15% of every registration will be donated to Alley Cat Allies, Coeur d’Alene
31 “Trick or Treat The Old Town Streets”; 3-5:30 PM, Old Town, Pocatello
31 The Life Center “Trunk-or-Treat”, Kamiah
31 Downtown Trick-Or-Treat – Grab the kiddos, dress from head-to-toe in your best costume and hit the streets downtown for business-to-business trick-or-treating, Coeur d’Alene
31 Chamber of Commerce “October Costume Contest”, Kamiah
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