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2004-07, July 2004 (Cottonwood)

2004-07, July 2004 (Cottonwood)


Volume 3, Number 10

  • Description

    Product Description


    Idaho Governors
    by Arthur Hart

    Idaho has had more than its share of both scoundrels and saints in the governor’s office. Historian Arthur Hart traces our gubernatorial past—from the pioneer days of Idaho territory, when our governors were appointed by the president, to statehood and the coming of the “people’s choice.”


    by Lyle Wirtanen & Frances Allard

    There is a western way of life going on in this charming little Idaho town. A universal theme of optimism and enthusiasm seems to pervade the community. Ask Cottonwood’s “movers and groovers” and they’ll tell you they wouldn’t live anywhere else in the world.

    Volunteering Outdoors in Idaho
    by Sharon Johnson

    Summer is often about taking: taking a swim, taking a trip, or just taking a drink, but the truly inspired among us know it can also be about giving, and there is no gift better than the donation of one’s time. Find out how you can do just that this summer by volunteering.


    Fiction Contest First Place, Youth Division: The Wildflower

    by Ciara Huntington

    Front Porch Tales: Critter
    by Lynn Farley

    Who We Are: The Shilling House
    by M. Deloris Hensheid

    Backcountry Culture: The Art of Mantracking
    by Sue Izard

    Centenarians: Olga Fisher
    by Lisa Dayley

    One Spud Short: Under the Orange Hat
    by Les Tanner

    Fiction Contest Second Place Adult Division: The Coyote

    by Jack Lintelmann

    Northern Exposure: The Ol’ Boot Tree
    by Sherry Ramsey

    Good Neighbors: The Blaine Schoolhouse

    by Bill London

    Historical Snapshot: Idaho Goes Dry
    by Arthur Hart


    Blackfoot, Blaine, Boise, Caldwell, Cottonwood, Moscow, Priest Lake, Rupert, Weiser