July 2018 Calendar

By Les Tanner
Cancellations or changes due to weather, illness of performers, and other such things, although rare, are bound to occur. Double-checking with the event coordinators about locations, dates and times is always a good idea.
6/29-7/1 Teton Valley Balloon Rally, Driggs
6/30-7/4 Rupert Fourth of July: “Christmas in July” breakfast, Wild West Shootout, Food Booths, Music by the Salamanders, Fireworks, and more. Rupert
1 Symphony on Sunday: Free concert featuring the Idaho Falls Symphony string, woodwind, brass and jazz ensembles. 4:00-6:00 PM, City Plaza, Driggs
1-4 Days of the Old West Celebration & Rodeo, Hailey
1-29 Jazz in the Park: SUNDAYS, 6:00-8:00 PM, Ketchum
2-4 4th of July Celebration and Parade, including Days of the Old West Rodeo, Hailey
3 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 1345 Barton Road, Pocatello
3 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: 10:00-12:00 at Nampa’s Warhawk Air Museum; FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; Coffee and breakfast treats are served at no charge.; No RSVP required – just show up; Nampa
3 Treaty Day Fireworks: 89:00-11:00 PM, Fort Hall Casino, Fort Hall
3-4 Sagebrush Days: This annual 4th of July tradition will start with an all you can eat Trout feed on July 3rd and continue on July 4th with the annual Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, Buhl Key Club Fun Run, the longest parade in Southern Idaho, food & craft vendors in Eastman Park, anvil firing and fireworks at dusk. Buhl
3-31 Ketch’em Alive Free Summer Concerts, Forest Service Park, Ketchum
3-31 Wood River Farmer’s Markets: TUESDAYS (Ketchum) and THURSDAYS (Hailey), 2:00-6:00 PM, Ketchum/Hailey
4 Independence Day Fireworks: Enjoy 4th of July fireworks in Lava! Starts at dusk. View from anywhere in the downtown Lava area with a view of the North mountain, Lava Hot Springs
4 4th of July Celebration and Parade: Memorial Park, Caldwell
4 Fourth of July Celebrations in Dietrich, Rupert, Shoshone
4 July 4 Parade, Main Street, Victor
4 Biggest Show in Idaho Music Festival: Fireworks, Parade, Music Festival Golf Tournament & Bicycle Race at the Bannock County Event Center, Pocatello
4`Red, Whu=ite and Blue Breakfast, 8:00-10:30 AM, Bayview
4-6 Border Days, Grangeville
4-25 Farmers Market: WEDNESDAYS, Downtown Caldwell
4-27 Story Time: WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, 10:30 AM. Books and crafts designated for children ages of 2- 4. All ages are welcome. Public Library, Hailey
5 First Thursday: Experience art, shopping, dining and entertainment in a special and unique way you’ll only find Downtown, 5:00-9:00 PM, Boise
5-26 TNT Thursday: THURSDAYS, Kids 10 and up meet to play video games, Public Library, Hailey
5-26 Art Break Tour: THURSDAYS, 2:00 p.m. Enjoy a 30-minute talk presented by BAM Docents focusing on artwork found in the Museum’s exhibitions. Free with admission. BAM members FREE. Boise Art Museum, Sponsored by the Da Vinci Art Guild. Boise
6 Honor Night, County-Ella play, Silent Auction: held at the Winchester Community Center/Museum of Winchester History, Winchester
6,7 Zoo Tots: For ages 2-PreK. Explore the zoo through fun games, crafts, music and more. Tautphaus Park, Idaho Falls
6-14 Southeast Idaho Senior Games, Senior Citizen Activity Center, Pocatello
6-27 Silver Screen on the Green: FRIDAYS, Free family movies, 8:30-11:30 PM, Optimist Park, Nampa
6-27 Farmers Market: FRIDAYS, 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, City Plaza, Driggs
6-27 Movies Under the Stars: Bring your family, friends, blankets, chairs, inflatable beds and enjoy free family movies on our huge screen. Pioneer Park, Lewiston
6-27 Lincoln County Crossroads Farmers Market: FRIDAYS. 3:00-8:00 PM, Shoshone
7-28 Long Camp Farmer’s Market; SATURDAYS, Kamiah/Kooskia
7 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 9:00AM-1:00PM, Johnson Reservoir, Preston
7 Bayview Days, Bayview
7 Giz-Motion, a Celebration of Creativity: This free, family-friendly and fun event invites you to spend the day exploring art and technology. 11:30AM-4:00PM, City Park, Coeur d’Alene
7 Train Depot Open House: Come on over to Caldwell’s Historic Train Depot Interpretive Center and take a look around at all of the Caldwell history on display! This is a great family outing for young and old, 12:00-4:00 PM, Caldwell
7 Star Party: Solar viewing and water bottle rockets from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM. Night sky talk at 8:30 PM. Telescope viewing behind the Lodge from 9:45 PM until midnight. Pomerelle Ski Resort, Albion
7 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8:00AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Dr. Paul Castrovillo, OJSMNH, “Idaho Butterflies”. Following the seminar, there will be an ID training session in preparation for the July 9 4J Butterfly Count; The O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
7-8 Winchester Days: Cowboy Breakfast at 6:30 AM; Arts & Crafts; Parade; pies at Craig Mountain Senior Center; children’s games; food; fireworks over the lake roughly at 10:00 PM, Winchester
7-28 Summer Saturday: SATURDAYS. Let the Boise WaterShed Environmental Education Center introduce you to your watershed through hands-on exhibits, public art and the most unique water feature in town – a simulated Boise River! 10:00 AM–3:00 PM, Boise WaterShed (11818 W. Joplin Road,
7-28 Capital City Farmers Market: SATURDAYS, 9:30-1:30, 8th and Idaho Streets, Boise
9 4J Butterfly Count, Boise Foothills, Boise
10 Idaho Fish & Game’s “Take Me Fishing” Trailer: 1345 Barton Road, Pocatello
11 Birding at Bogus! Free. Start time;6:00AM. We’re migrating to Bogus Basin to enjoy the cooler temperatures just like the birds. Bird books and binoculars are available to borrow. No registration necessary. Meet at the Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd , at 6 AM to arrange carpools. Boise.
13-14 Marsh Valley Pioneer Days Rodeo: Enjoy great Rodeo action in the McCammon Rodeo Arena. Parade, Craft Fair, Chuckwagon Breakfast and food booths. McCammon
13-14 Clearwater Christmas Affair – Christmas In July, Kamiah
13-14 Bear Lake Car Show: Hot Rods, Classic Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles welcome. Beautiful restored vintage cars. Cruise & Free BBQ for Registered Participants on Friday evening. Stock Park, Montpelier
13-15 Ketchum Arts Festival: Great Food and Live Music. Over 100 Arts and Crafts from Idaho Artists plus ; a Kid’s Activity Tent that offers free and fun child-care This FREE Festival is held at the Festival Meadow located on Sun Valley Rd, Ketchum/Sun Valley
13-15 Dragon Fyre Faire: This is a whimsical Renaissance Faire with Sword Fighting, Belly Dancers, Kid’s Quest, good food, arts and crafts merchants and great entertainers. Hooper Springs Park, Soda Springs
13-15 Youth Fly Fishing Clinic 2018, Hailey
13-15 Wizard World Comic Con, Boise Centre, Boise
14 Clearwater Valley Aero Club “Kamiah Fly-In”, Kamiah
1 Twilight Criterium: The electric atmosphere of this event attracts over 20,000 spectators to downtown streets to see cyclists from around the world compete. Boise
14 Splash into Fun at Plaza Palooza!: This is the Grand Opening Celebration for the Indian Creek Plaza! Water activities, live regional music, local food and drinks for sale. 3:00 PM, Downtown Caldwell
14 East Idaho Garage Sale and Craft Fair: Hillcrest High School, Idaho Falls
14 Noodle Mania,; Come play and float as we toss all our foam floatable noodles into the pool at Lakeview Water Park, 1:00-4:45PM, Nampa
14 Wake in the Snake: This wakeboard competition features thrilling stunts right on the river. Food will be available on-site. 9:00 AM- 6:00 PM, To register as a competitor, visit HYPERLINK http://www.idahowatersports.com,www.idahowatersports.com, Burley
14,28 Pocatello Raceway Races, Pocatello
14-15 Lapwai Days, Lapwai
14-15 Arts in the Park, Shoshone
14-15 Stites Days, Stites
15 National Ice Cream Day: Bring the family for a fun day playing at the park, visiting wonderful vendors. enjoying good food and entertainment. Hours: 11am-4pm, Settlers Park, Meridian
17 Idaho Gem Club Meeting: This month’s meeting is a pot luck. Guests are welcome and encouraged to attend. Bring a dish and join in on the Fun. 6:30 pm, Old Timers Shelter in Ann Morrison Park, Boise
20-21 Samaria Days Celebration: Wild Blue Goose Chase/Run/Walk, Famous Samaria Breakfast Burritos, Coming Home Parade. Tour the Davis Cabin where Olive May Davis Osmond was born. Free Samaria Scavenger Hunt, Chicken Chase, Horseshoe Pitching Contest, Free Water Games, Old-Fashioned Shoot-Out. Pot-Luck Supper. Samaria/Malad City
20-22 Buffalo Run Antique, Collectibles, and Craft Show: Antique collectibles and craft show located at Buffalo Run RV Park and Cabins in the Last Chance Area, Island Park
21 Summer Fun Family Event: Come out and enjoy playing life size candy land game and fun scavenger hunt game to win free prizes. There will be wide variety of delicious food, vendors, games, activities for kids and raffles. Free admission. Hours: 9am-4pm. Kleiner Park, Meridian
21 Shakespeare in the Parks, “Loves Labour Lost”: FREE TO THE PUBLIC.. Bring chairs or a blanket and enjoy this play with the whole family, in the gorgeous setting of the west side of the Tetons. 6:00-8:30 PM, City Plaza, Driggs
21 Girl’s Day Out, Expo Idaho, Garden City
21 Dive and Drive-In Movie: First go swimming at Orchards Pool from 7:10pm – 8:30pm followed by a drive-in movie, “Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle”. Families then pile in their cars of trucks and drive up to the inflatable movie screen, Lewiston
21 Basque Festival: It’s always a good time, with great food and entertainment. If you know people who haven’t been to a Basque Festival, be sure to bring them along! Gooding
21 Summer Artisan and Craft Market: Offers a great array of quality handcrafted items for your shopping convenience. Free admission. Hours: 10am-5pm, Ashton
21 Tin Cup Challenge Event Day: 9:00 AM Run and Fun Run/Walk, and 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM, Family Activities at Driggs City Park, Driggs
21 Baby Palooza: A family-friendly event for new and expectant parents. 9:00 AM-3:00 PM, Expo Idaho, Garden City
21-22 Clearwater to Elk City Wagon Road Days, Clearwater
21-29 Lincoln County Fair and Rodeo: A small town event that features 4-H, FFA IMPRA Rodeo, Ranch Rodeo, United Truck and Tractor Pulls and Antique Tractor Pull. Fair Food, Parade, Creative Living and Merchants Building. Shoshone
22 Salmon BBQ and 5K: Come enjoy some of Bear Lake’s 5K and dine on fresh Alaskan Salmon or BBQ’d hamburgers for the non-fish folks. St. Charles
22-23,29-30 East Idaho Renaissance Faire, Rigby
23-27 Magic Valley Folk Festival
26-28 That Famous Preston Night Rodeo: Bareback, Saddle Broncs, Bull Riding, Roping, Steer Wrestling, Barrel Racing and some great Mutton Busting. City of Fun Carnival rides and Rodeo Days Parade. Preston
26-29 Canyon County Fair, Caldwell
27-29 San Inazio Basque Festival: This unique event honors St. Ignatius of Loyola, the patron saint of the Basques. Includes local musicians and dancers as well as Basque sporting events. Basque Center, Boise
27-29 Country Music Festival, Mountain Home
27-28 Kooskia Days, Kooskia
28 Family Art Day: Come make art together! Children accompanied by their adult friends are invited to drop in between noon and 3 p.m. for a hands-on art workshop. Recommended for children ages 12 and under, accompanied by an adult. Free with the price of admission. BAM Members are FREE. Boise Art Museum, Boise
28 2nd Annual Mallard Open Disc Golf Tourney: Get your friends and family together and join us for the 2nd Annual Caldwell Recreation Disc Golf Tournament. Come out for sunshine and great fun at one of Caldwell’s finest parks. Divisions offered: Novice, Intermediate, and Open. There will be prizes for the top 3 per division. Tournament consists of two 18 – hole rounds. Entry Fee is $25.00 per person for participants; no charge for spectators. Register by July 20 and receive a free T-Shirt! Tee time will be at 9:00 am. Mallard Park, South 10th Avenue and Orchard Avenue, Caldwell
28-29 “Hot Summer Nights”, Riggins
28-29 Art in the Park: Artist booths, demonstrations, live music, a wine tasting event and fabulous food. Held in conjunction with Kids Art in the Park and Twin Fall Rotary’s Ice Cream Funday,Twin Falls
29 Symphony on Sunday: Free concert by the Grand Teton Music Festival Chamber ensemble, a prelude to the Plein Air Art Festival,
City Plaza, Driggs
29-8/4 7th Annual Driggs Plein Air Art Festival: FREE to the public. A week of wonderful art experiences including Gallery Receptions, Gallery Sales, Tent Sales, Paint Outs, Quick Draw Competitions & Sales, Miniature Auction, professional artist demonstrations, and the Awards Ceremony.
City Plaza, Driggs
30-8/4 Caribou County Fair and Rodeo, Fairgrounds, Grace
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