How to Catch a Skunk

By Harvey Hughett

Of the many skunks that I’ve caught over the years, including a number in northern Idaho’s Latah and Benewah Counties, I only got sprayed a few times, always in the hand as I was trying to grab and pin the tail.

Simply put, I missed the skunk’s tail but the skunk didn’t miss me. No one believes me, but if the tail is pinned properly, this paralyzes the skunk’s stink mechanism and it cannot spray.


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Harvey Hughett

About Harvey Hughett

Harvey L. Hughett retired from the University of Idaho as executive director and chief information officer of Information Technology Services. He has a special interest in local history and has been working on a book tentatively titled, Float Homes of the St. Joe River Drainage. His email address is [email protected].

One Response to How to Catch a Skunk

  1. Carol Sue Adams - Reply


    Years ago I was surprised to see a small striped skunk in my yard. I live on an acre at Overland/5 Mile along a canal. This morning at 4am while letting my cat out, again I saw an adult stripped skunk on my deck eating out of my cat dish. Actually a beautiful sight.

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