November 2023 Calendar

By Les Tanner
Double-checking with event coordinators about the following locations, dates, and times is recommended.
Northern Idaho
1-29 Wiggles & Giggles Story Time: WEDNESDAYS. A fun filled, educational story time that will keep you smiling all day long! Ages 0-6. 11AM -11:30PM, Public Library, Lewiston
2 “Souport” the End of Homelessness: 11AM – 1:30PM. Enjoy over 30 different soups made locally, bid on our silent auction items, and support our area’s local citizens in need this fall and winter. Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d’Alene
4 14th Annual Winter Wonderland Event: 9AM-Noon, Elks Lodge, Lewiston
4 Post Falls High School Craft Fair: Antique/collectibles, commercial/retail, crafts, fine art, fine craft and homegrown products exhibitors. Admission: $2, 10AM-3PM High School, Post Falls
5 The British Are Coming!: Washington Idaho Symphony Concert. Program includes The Wreckers Overture, the Crown of India Suite and Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D major. 3PM, U of Idaho Admin Bldg., Moscow
11 Holiday Craft Fair: 10AM – 3PM, Lion’s Club, Rathdrum
18 Pierce Community Center Holiday Bazaar: Pierce
18-26 K&K Thanksgiving Fishing Derby: Lake Pend Oreille Club’s annual fall fishing contest. Sandpoint
24-26 Annual Festival of Trees: Kootenai Health Foundation, Coeur d’Alene
25 Kooskia Farmers Market Christmas Bazaar, Kooskia
25 Kamiah Community Riverfront Park Christmas Lighting: Kamiah
26-31 Shop Small in the Silver Valley from Kellogg to Wallace. Just the ambiance of our historic storefronts and seasonal small-town charm throughout the Silver Valley can jump you into that holiday spirit. Wallace
Southwestern Idaho
1-30 MASH (Meridian After School Hangout): SCHOOL DAYS. Students in grades 6th to 12th are invited to join library staff after school to eat a snack, use Wi-Fi on your device, play games and socialize with friends. 3PM – 5PM, Meridian Library District, 1326 W Cherry Ln, Meridian
2 Idaho Job & Career Fair: 10AM-2PM, Civic Center, Nampa
3-5 ICCKC Dog Trials: A performance event that showcases dog and handler teamwork and athleticism by negotiating jumps and various obstacles. 8AM – 5PM, Premium Building, Expo Idaho, Garden City
3-5 Ski Swap: Buy and sell gear at the 72nd Annual Ski Swap. Find great deals on skis, snowboards, clothing and more. Don’t miss the winter fun! 1PM-10PM, South & Center Buildings, Expo Idaho, Garden City
4 Museum Work Day: 8AM. Volunteers Welcome. Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch): Speaker: Amy Dolan, “Meet the Bees: Common Bees of Southwest Idaho”. O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
4 Veterans Parade: 10AM-Noon, Warhawk Air Museum, Nampa
4 Smashed Potatoes: Roller Derby, 9AM, Rollerdrome Skating Rink, Nampa
4 Spanish/English Storytime: Bienvenidos and welcome. ¡Cantar, jugar y leer con tu famila y nuestra comunidad en Español e Inglés! Play, sing and read with your family and our community in Spanish and English! 4:30PM-5PM, Meridian Library District, 1326 W Cherry Ln, Meridian
4-5 Eagle Holiday Bazaar: Crafts, fine art and fine craft exhibitors, and 5 food booths. High School, Eagle
4-25 Walk-About Boise Historic Walking Tour: SATURDAYS. 4PM-5:30PM, 611 W Grove St, Boise
4-25 Capital City Public Market: SATURDAYS. 9:30AM-1:30PM, The Grove Plaza, Boise
6-12 Nike XC Regionals Northwest: This is a 7-state regional championship cross country meet for middle and high school-level athletes. Eagle Island State Park, Eagle
8 Farmer’s Market: 10AM-1PM, Alpha Nursery & Garden Center, Cascade
9 Thursday Read Book Club: Ages 18+. 2PM-3PM, Public Library, Caldwell
11 Kids Discovery Expo: Expo Idaho, Garden City
11 Veterans Day Celebration: 11AM, Caldwell Veterans Memorial Hall, 1101 Cleveland Blvd, Caldwell
11 Vets That Ride: 10AM, VFW-Capitol City Post 63, Boise
11 Early Bird Bazaar: 9AM-3PM, Meridian Senior Center/Center at the Park, Meridian
11 Rake Up Caldwell: Help rake up leaves across the city and strengthen our community. 9AM-Noon, Treasure Valley Community College Nancolas Center, Caldwell
11-12 Idaho Dream Wedding Expo: Expo Idaho, Garden City
12 Boise State University All Campus Band: 3:30PM-7:30PM, Boise State University Department of Music, Boise
12 “Monkey See, Monkey Do”: Family-friendly improv comedy show with buckets of laughter and creativity for the whole family. 2PM, Lounge at the End of the Universe Comedy Club, Boise
14 Diversity Meridian Virtual Job Fair:11AM-2PM, Meridian
15 Military Retiree Social: 4:30PM-6:30PM, Gowen Field Activities Club, 4775 S Ingalls St Building 710, Boise
18-19 Idaho Snowmobile Show: Idaho Center, Nampa
21 St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Food Box: 8AM–5PM, The Premium Building, 5610 N Glenwood St., Garden City
24-26 Warhawk Winterfest Weekend: Join us for crafts and a holiday scavenger hunt. 11AM-4PM, Warhawk Air Museum, Nampa
27 Technology Meridian Virtual Job Fair: 11AM-2PM, Meridian
Southern Idaho
3-4 “Singing & Swinging Through The Decades”: Chili supper & variety show fund-raiser benefitting Buhl Senior Center’s ‘Meals on Wheels’ program, Buhl’s food pantry, & Buhl’s VFW Scholarship Fund. $15.00/person. 6PM, Senior Center, Buhl
18 MV Kid Holiday Market 2023: 10AM-1PM, Twin Falls County Fairgrounds, Filer
Central Idaho
6-27 Story Time at The Community Library: MONDAYS. 10:30AM, Ketchum
Eastern Idaho
2 Oregon Trail Farmers’ Market: Noon-4PM, Soda Springs
4 Pinterest Market: Craft Show, free admission. 10AM, Hillcrest High School, Ammon
4 Veterans Day Parade: 10AM-11AM, Historic Downtown Pocatello
9 Little Learners: 10AM-2PM, Museum of Idaho, Idaho Falls
11 Soup Kitchen: 9AM-3PM, 301 S Blvd, Idaho Falls
15-18 Festival of Trees at ISU: L.E. and Thelma E. Stephens Performing Arts Center, Pocatello
16 Museum Club: 3PM-4:30PM, Museum of Idaho, 200 N Eastern Ave, Idaho Falls
18 Thunder Ridge Harvest Market: Thunder Ridge High School, Idaho Falls
24 Festival of Lights: Fireworks, Lighted Parade, Santa Claus & Live Entertainment. Preston
24 Christmas Night Lights Parade: This will showcase hundreds of beautifully lighted floats, with Elves handing out candy and fun items for the children. The parade will begin making its way through Historic Downtown Pocatello at 6:30PM. Pocatello
25 The Forgotten Carols Musical: 2:30PM-5PM, Civic Center for the Performing Arts, Idaho Falls
8 Family Crisis Center Purple Ribbon Run:
10AM, Rigby Lake, Rigby
10 Disney Encanto–The Sing-Along Film Concert: 5:30PM, Mountain America Center, Idaho Falls
13-14 Fall Book Sale: Fri, 10AM-5PM; Sat, 10AM-4PM; Marshall Public Library, Pocatello
14 Idaho Falls Farmers’ Market: 3PM-7PM, 600 Memorial Dr., Idaho Falls
14 Hot Potato Harvest: Bring the kids and join us for Potato Harvest at the Indoor Swimming Pool. For Ages 3-12. Water Games will go from 11AM-1PM, Lava Hot Springs
21 Portneuf Valley Farmers Market: 9AM-1PM, 435 W Center St, Pocatello
28 SRD’s Halloween Festival: FREE Entry Trick or Treat. 10 AM – 2 PM, Elks Lodge, 410 S Main St., Pocatello
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