Red, White, and True Blue

Football in Summer?
By Steve Carr
I screamed like a teenage girl at a Justin Bieber concert, then fell into a deep depression when my USA team lost to Belgium in World Cup soccer, er, football, in July, which is admittedly more than a little odd, since I wouldn’t be able pick out a single USA player if I had the team over for a barbeque together with the Boise State chess team.
I’d have to ask each guest about his last game (or is it match?) and glean his team by whether or not the win involved capturing the opponent’s queen.
I suppose the loss was especially difficult for me, coming during the week of our uniquely American holiday.
Two hundred thirty-eight years after the fact, it’s easy to forget just what it is we celebrate on July 4th. I’m pretty sure it’s not world soccer domination.
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