February 2020 Calendar

By Les Tanner
In spite of our efforts to ascertain that events listed in our calendar are described accurately, cancellations or changes due to weather, illness of performers, and other such things, although rare, are bound to occur. Double checking with the event coordinators about locations, dates and times is always a good idea. Details about many of the following events can be found at idahocalendar.com
Northern Idaho
1 Winter Market: Arts and crafts, locally grown or produced items, food and much more. Free. Hours: 10 AM-2 PM. 1912 Center, Moscow
1 Women With Bait Fishing Tournament: This is the start of an annual Women’s steelhead fishing tournament that runs through March 16. Riggins
1-2 U.S. Pacific Coast Championship Sled Dog Races: Mushers come from all over the west to participate in these races, which provide a unique spectator experience and fun for the whole family. 8 AM – 5 PM, Priest Lake
3-24 Community Coffee Hour: MONDAYS. A weekly coffee hour with treats and friendly conversation. 10:30-11, Community Library, Bovill
3-24 Open Mic Night: MONDAYS. Music, poetry, and spoken word all welcome. Signups at 5:30, fun starts at 6! Calypsos Coffee Roasters in Downtown Coeur d’Alene
6-27 How to Explain Something in Writing: THURSDAYS. Learn how to write an explanation for something through this free weekly class. 6:30 PM – 8 PM, Latah Recovery Center, Moscow
13 Latah County Health & Wellness Fair: Visit with a variety of organizations that specialize in health and wellness. Free and open to the public. Bring the whole family for food and door prizes including a grand prize giveaway. The 2020 Wellness Fair is sponsored by Latah County, the City of Moscow, and the Moscow Chamber of Commerce. Latah County Fairgrounds, Moscow
14-23 Sandpoint Winter Carnival: Every winter, Sandpoint pulls out all the stops to celebrate the season that brings recreation and family fun to the area! Find it all continuously updated at SandpointWinterCarnival.com , Sandpoint
21 Northern Stars Rising: Pend Oreille Arts Council presents the Northern Stars Rising showcase music competition at 7 p.m. in the Heartwood Center. Open to all ages, the competition aims to further the ability of local performers to pursue their careers. Performers audition (held in early January), and then compete for cash prizes, Sandpoint
28 Baked Potato Bar Dinner Fundraiser: 4:30 – 6 PM, Lake City Center Banquet Room, Coeur d’Alene
29 Writing Workshop: This workshop on travel writing is hosted by the Palouse Writers Guild. Information: www.palousewritersguild org . 10:00 AM, Fiske Room, 1912Center, Moscow
Southwestern Idaho
1 Museum Work Day: Volunteers welcome; 8 AM; Lunchtime Seminar (bring your own lunch), Speaker and Topic to be determined. O.J.Smith Museum of Natural History, Boone Hall, The College of Idaho, Caldwell
1 POKEMON Club: Learn the trading card game. Ages 7-18. 2 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
1-2 Winter Carnival: The last two days of an annual event that began on January 24. Enjoy the famous snow sculptures, Torchlight and Mardi Gras Parades, live music, daily events spanning everything from comedy shows to art auctions, snow-bike races to the Monster Dog Pull and much more. McCall
1-9 Impressionism in the Northwest: This exhibition presents Impressionist paintings by artists who lived and traveled in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Boise Art Museum, Boise
1-28 Garden on the Road – Fun With Fossils: Kids will get the chance to explore fossil creatures through yoga and story. Idaho Botanical Garden staff travel to local daycare centers, preschools, and kindergartens this winter to teach kids ages four to six. $2 per child (10-24 students), free for headstart classes. (208) 275-8612, or [email protected] to schedule a program. Boise
3,10 Homeschool Makeiteers: Hands-on projects that encompass science, technology, engineering, and math topics (STEM). (Ages 8-12). Ada Community Library – Victory Branch, Boise
4 Adulting 101: Workshops for ages 15+, focusing on the skills and resources necessary for successful adulthood. Check the Web site www.caldwellpubliclibrary.org for this session’s topic. 6:30 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
4 Kilroy Coffee Klatch: 10:00-12:00 at Nampa’s Warhawk Air Museum; FREE for ALL veterans and ALL veterans are welcome; Coffee and breakfast treats are served at no charge. No RSVP required – just show up; Nampa
4 Art Endeavor: Do you enjoy art? Are you interested in learning and doing more? Well this program is for you. All ages welcome. 4:30 – 6 PM, Public Library, Nampa
5 Hiking Club: Winter Tree identification. Ages 18+. 1 – 3 PM, Foothills Learning Center 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise
5.19 All Ages Video Games: Open play on Wii, X-Box, and Nintendo Switch consoles. 4:30-5:30 PM, Ada Community Library – Victory Branch, Boise
5-26 ‘Tween Scene: WEDNESDAYS. Crafts, games and fun for ages 9-12. Public Library, Caldwell
5-26 Story Time: WEDNESDAYS. 10:15 AM – 11:00 AM, Public Library, Weiser
6-27 Indian Head Bow Hunters: THURSDAYS. 6:30 – 8:30 PM, 265 E Commercial St., Weiser
6-27 “Dungeons & Dragons”, Role Playing for Beginners: THURSDAYS. 4:30 PM, Ada Community Library, Victory Branch, Boise
7 – 9 Boise Golf & Travel Show: Over 80 exhibitors. Free golf for every paid admission, free club for every child 12 and under, teaching area for kids and adults, fun interactive games, give-a-ways and prizes. Expo Idaho, Garden City
7 – 9 Canyon County Home and Garden Show: Ford Idaho Center, Nampa
8 Make It–Drawing 101: For ages 13+. Learn a new craft. 2 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
8 Community Dance: $5 per person, finger-food potluck. Music by Just for Kicks. 6 – 9 PM. Senior and Community Center, Weiser
8 Daddy Daughter Date Night: Daddies, don’t miss this great opportunity to connect with your daughters during this evening of music, dancing, refreshments, activities and special entertainment 7:30 PM, Nampa Recreation Center, Nampa
8 Cabin Fever Reliever: Free family event sponsored by Kids’ First Cast. 10:00 AM to 5 PM at the O’Connor Fieldhouse, Caldwell
8 Cupid’s Undie Run: The nation’s largest pantless party and mile-ish run for charity, heightens awareness of neurofibromatosis (NF), and raises research funds through the Children’s Tumor Foundation (CTF). $40 entry fee. Info: https://my.cupids.org/cur/city/Boise. 12-4 PM at Tom Grainey’s, Boise
8 National Flannel Day: Get hands-on with February’s favorite fabric. Add a piece to our flannel story-board and wear your favorite flannel. Noon – 3 PM, Idaho State Museum, Boise
11 Teen Volunteer Orientation: Looking to make a difference in your community while learning new skills? Join us for snacks and learning about how you can get involved. Teen volunteers are at least 12 years old and help the library and community by assisting with holds & shelving, summer reading, and helping with events. 6:30 PM, Meridian Library at Cherry Lane, Meridian
13 Idaho Film and Cinematic History: Guests will watch an Idaho-based silent film screening accompanied by silent film specialist Ben Model. Model will be playing the 1878 Cartee Weber Grand Piano and speaking about the silent film industry and answering questions from the audience. Tickets: $15 per person. 6 – 8:30 PM, Boise Art Museum, Boise
15 WaterShed Weekend, Random Acts of Kindness: Free family fun. Join us today as we celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Day. Make a pet toy for animals at the Idaho Humane Society, Donate food, clothing and diapers for local homeless shelters. Learn more about Boise Kind, and make a special card for deployed service men and women. 10 AM – 1 PM, Boise WaterShed, 11818 W. Joplin Rd., Boise
15 Family Afternoon Movie: All ages. Free popcorn. 2 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
15 Treasure Valley Roller Derby: Doors open at 5 PM, North Expo, Garden City
15 Golden Dragon Acrobats: From the Hebei province in the People’s Republic of China. Award-winning acrobatics, traditional dance, and spectacular costumes. 7 PM, Jewett Auditorium, C of I campus, Caldwell
15 WISCL Scholastic Chess Tournaments: 8:30 AM, Lowell Scott Middle School, Boise
18 Homeschool Day, Seeds & Planting: Bring your children to learn about plants and animals in our garden ecosystem. Grades K-6 welcome. Pre-registration required ((208) 608-7680). 1 – 2:30 PM, Boise Urban Garden School, 2995 N Five Mile, Boise
18 Adult Board Games: 6:30 PM at Flying M, Caldwell
18 Adult Volunteer Orientation: Interested in volunteering? You’re invited to our next Adult Volunteer Orientation! Help your community get connected to resources & literacy as a library ambassador, event helper, outreach assistant, and library greeter. Visit mld.org/volunteer to learn more! 6:30 PM, Meridian Library at Cherry Lane, Meridian
19 Home School Day: 10:30 AM, World Center for Birds of Prey, Boise
20 Tour of Chief Eagle Eye Reserve: Maybe you are already familiar with the trail, but you don’t know the history and plan for these special places. Come and find out. Free, all ages. Register at (208) 608-7680. 5:30-6:30 PM. Meet at the Old Penitentiary Trailhead, Boise
21-23 Queen of Hearts Invitational: Girls gymnastics competition. Information: performanceplusevents.com/queen-of-hearts Center Expo, Expo Idaho, Garden City
22 Community Breakfast: 9:00 AM, Eagles Lodge, Nampa
24 Social Hour: (Adults). Need a reason to get out of the house? Come mingle with new friends and enjoy some refreshments. 6:30 – 7:45 PM, Ada Community Library – Victory Branch, Boise
27 Fruit Tree Pruning: Learn how to properly prune your fruit trees for quality yields and to avoid breakage. Free. 6 – 8 PM, City Hall, Nampa
27-3/1 Cirque du Soleil: ExtraMile Arena, Boise
27 Grow Asparagus: How to start your garden early. All ages. 6:30 PM, Public Library, Caldwell
28 Puppet Show: 4:30-5:30 PM, Ada Community Library, Victory Branch, Boise
29 Leap Day Party: What is Leap Year, anyway? Games, crafts and activities to help you understand why 2020 has 366 days. All ages. 11:00 AM, Public Library, Caldwell
Southern Idaho
1/30-2/9 “Shrek, The Musical”: Wilson Theater, Rupert
14-16 Southern Idaho Home and Garden Show: CSI Expo Center, Twin Falls
19-29 “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”: King Fine Arts Theater, Burley
21 Magic Valley Symphony Concert: Featuring guest conductor/percussion soloist David Eyler. All Ages $10/adults, $8/seniors, $6/students 7:30 – 9:30 PM CSI Fine Arts Auditorium, Twin Falls
Central Idaho
3 4th Mexican Mardi Gras, Challis
14-16 Stanley-Sawtooth Winter Fest, Stanley
Eastern Idaho
1-8 The Paintings of Archie Boyd Teater: Art Exhibit at The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho, Idaho Falls
1-29 “Darwin & Dinosaurs” Exhibit: Walk among dinosaurs and trace how their discovery in the 1800s inspired Charles Darwin to explore how life has adapted and changed over millions of years. Highlights include 85 rare artifacts from Darwin’s life, work, and voyage on the HMS Beagle. Museum of Idaho, Idaho Falls
7-9 Fire & Ice Winterfest, Lava Hot Springs
14-15 American Dog Derby: This year will be the 103rd occurrence of this exciting and family-friendly event, the oldest in the country. 8 AM-3 PM, Ashton
15 Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center’s Red Dress Concert, “Movie Music”: Iconic film and television scores by Danny Elfman and his contemporaries, including Batman, The Simpsons, Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Nightmare Before Christmas, and much more! 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM, Idaho Falls
17 Cub Scout Elective Class: Covers the requirements for the Aquanaut pin for Webelos, the Bear Salmon Run elective adventure, and the Wolf Spirit of the Water Elective adventure. Cost: $7.50. Info, (208) 612-8111. 9 – 10:15 AM, Aquatic Center, Idaho Falls
20 Steep Canyon Rangers: Bluegrass, pop, country, and folk rock music. 7:30 PM, L.E. And Thelma E. Stephens Performing Arts Center, ISU Campus, Pocatello
22 Keyboard Conversation featuring Jeffrey Spiegel: 7:30 PM, L.E. and Thelma E. Stephens Performing Arts Center, ISU Campus, Pocatello
28-29 The Bridal Parade: Largest Bridal Show in Southeast Idaho. 10:00 am – 6:00 pm. Free Admission. Grand Teton Mall, Idaho Falls
29 Leap Into Life: Free Family Fun Community Learning Experience! We will be having a free children’s book giveaway, story tellers, an essay contest, REACH Storybook Characters, Books for Sale, Storytime by Portneuf District Library, 10am-4pm, Clarion Inn, Pocatello
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