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Year of the Siblings

Posted on by Elle Phillips / 5 Comments

A Cinematic Family Story By Elle Phillips Photos courtesy of Elle Phillips On a cold January day in the Coeur d’Alene Casino parking lot, I’m about to meet my half-brother for the first time. Despite the chill, all


Posted on by Diana Hooley / Leave a comment

Stranded amid the Pioneers Story and Photos by Diana Hooley The temperature outside, according to my car dashboard, was 95 degrees. I muttered to myself as I stalked through the Owyhee Desert. Why hadn’t I brought a hat

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February 2023 Calendar

Posted on by Les Tanner / Leave a comment

By Les Tanner Double-checking with event coordinators about the following locations, dates, and times is recommended. Northern Idaho 1-22           Book Babies: WEDNESDAYS. Join us for a story time created especially for the babies in your life. Geared towards

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