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An Interlude

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After All the Changes By Aisha Marie Death has nothing to do with going away. The sun sets, the moon sets, but they are not gone. ~ Rumi   Mom and I didn’t have the closest of relationships.

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A Horse’s Seat

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The Race That Settled a County Dispute By Julie Fox The basis for the following story is a manuscript written by Jeanette Fox LeMoyne, my great-aunt. The Fox family has been prominent in Hailey since its founding. A

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Grandma Bailey

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A Lady and a Flapper By Aisha Marie Photos Courtesy of Aisha Marie When I was very young, my mother would sometimes drop me off to spend a night at Grandma Bailey’s house in Lane, which is on

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Our Cabin

Posted on by Donna Jorgensen Rookstool / Comments Off on Our Cabin

And What It Means to Us By Donna Jorgensen Rookstool Photos Courtesy of the Rookstool Family It’s just a small strip of land, less than an acre, which slopes down towards the shore of Cascade Lake near Donnelly.

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The Middle of Nowhere

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Sounds Good to Me By Tom Lopez As a child, I received many Christmas cards from Idaho at our home in Michigan. The first one I can date with any certainty, which arrived when I was eight years

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Her Gnarled Hands

Posted on by Lynne Larson / Comments Off on Her Gnarled Hands

Life and Death in Downey By Lynne Larson “So you’re from Idaho.” The old gentleman next to me struck up the conversation as we waited for a church meeting to begin in the large western city where I

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The Evacuation

Posted on by Richard Mouser / Comments Off on The Evacuation

Fire in the Foothills Story and Photos by Richard Mouser It started out a normal Wednesday afternoon at my family’s house last October. I was shoveling bark and laying it onto garden beds when my mother stepped outside.

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Hollywood Halloween

Posted on by Dean Worbois / Comments Off on Hollywood Halloween

A Cinematic Interlude By Dean Worbois During the glory days of Halloween seven decades ago, about the time my sisters and I were cast out to knock on doors without a parent trailing us, our home in Boise

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Posted on by Rick Just / Comments Off on Butter

Thomas Moran Couldn’t Make It By Rick Just Photos Courtesy of Rick Just My family came into Idaho a few weeks after it became a territory. My Great-Grandfather Nels Just was a freighter, a rancher, and Bingham County

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Grandma Morris

Posted on by Max Jenkins / Leave a comment

Pioneer Tough By Max Jenkins In April 1916, after enduring several years of drought in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Grandma and Granddad moved with their four children to Idaho. Grandma’s brothers and sisters had already purchased train tickets to

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